Voice to Skull Technology

Most people associate claims of hearing voices with some form of mental illness, usually that being schizophrenia. “Hearing voices” is almost cliche when referring to someone as crazy. People hearing voices is actually a much larger phenomenon than most people realize, and in this writing we’ll examine why that is. To be sure, mental illness does exist, but there are other reasons why people hear voices.

In 1961, neuroscientist Allan Frey studied and published in The Journal of Applied Physiology on what is known as the microwave auditory effect. Frey established that humans could hear certain sounds such as buzzing, hissing, or knocking induced by pulsed radio frequencies. These sounds were directly inside a person’s head but inaudible to others. Subjects were able to hear appropriately pulsed microwave radiation up to a few hundred feet from the transmitter.

In 1973, Mark Grove and research psychologist Joseph Sharp conducted an experiment at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, north of Washington DC. Sharp and Grove determined that sound, in the form of voice, could be transmitted by way of “voice modulated” microwaves. 

A 1975 article by neuropsychologist Don Justesen, entitled “Microwaves and Behavior,” in the journal American Psychologist summed up the findings of Sharp and Grove as follows: “Sharp and Grove found that appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct wireless and receiverless communication of speech. They recorded by voice on tape each of the single syllable words for digits between 1 and 10. The electrical sine wave analogs of each word were then processed so that each time a sine wave crossed zero reference in the negative direction, a brief pulse of microwave energy was triggered. By radiating themselves with these voice modulated microwaves, Sharp and Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the nine words.” They were able to hear 9 of the 10 single syllable numbers “spoken” to them by way of a pulsed microwave.

On May 25th, 2006, Donald Friedman submitted a Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) request to the Department of the Army Freedom of Information/Privacy Office for all documents pertaining to the microwave auditory effect, microwave hearing effect, Frey effect, artificial telepathy, and any device or weapon which could cause such effects.

The Army responded on December 13th, 2006, with a 20 page document for Mr. Friedman confirming the existence of such technology in which it is written: “Application of the microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission. It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might this be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard voices within one’s head.” 

Many US patents exist for what is commonly referred to as Voice to Skull Technology(V2K),  and can be found on the website targetedjustice.com. One of these patents from July of 2003 is US patent 6587729 which is specifically designated as: Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect.

Researchers from the 1960s through the 1990s have concluded that bone conduction is the physical mechanism for microwave hearing. Bone conduction works by a microwave signal in the range of 2.4 MHz to 10 GHz being converted to an acoustic frequency of about 5 KHz when bounced off skull and cartilage in a person’s head.

So yes, mental illness does exist, but so does the technology to artificially induce voices into people’s heads. If done covertly, a person can be made to appear crazy. Remember, it was established in 1961 that sounds could be induced into a person’s head from up to a few hundred feet away. V2K technology has been harnessed and weaponized and is used against a segment of the US population and world’s population. These people are known as targeted individuals. I have written about targeted individuals before, and V2K technology is a common form of psychological harrasment and torture associated with any given targeted individual’s program of targeting. 

The purpose of targeting people is to establish complete control over increasing segments of the population. Most people do not know they are remotely influenced emotionally, mentally, and physically by frequencies intentionally directed at them by various methods including cell towers. Targeting people with V2K technology is meant to drive them to suicide or to provoke them into commiting crimes. Sometimes these crimes are in the form of mass shootings. Why does this country have an epidemic of mass shootings and Switzerland doesn’t, where everyone has guns as well? The reason is because of V2K technology and targeting, and because there is an agenda to disarm Americans by creating mass shootings and blaming guns for the ongoing problem.

The recent mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, in which Army Reservist Robert Card killed 18 people at two locations involves an interesting detail. Card was recently fitted for “special” hearing aids in which he suddenly began hearing voices telling him horrible things, according to his sister. The voices were telling him he was a pedophile and that people were talking about him at the two locations he went to for the shootings. After the shooting, he then killed himself in the woods, according to the official story. It should be noted that the military is a common ground for experimentation on people against their will or knowledge. Did Robert Card suddenly become crazy and hear voices after getting the hearing aids, or was he the victim of V2K?

In another example of a targeted individual conducting a mass shooting is from 2013. On September 16th, 2013, Aaron Alexis entered the Naval Sea Systems Command inside the Washington Navy Yard in Washington DC and shot and killed 12 people. Alexis was eventually shot by police at the scene. Alexis had sought help with the organization Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance. It was also discovered by police that Alexis had written the following on his computing devices: “Ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last three months. And to be perfectly honest, this is what has driven me to this.” 

I am not condoning the actions of Card or Alexis, but pointing out that there is more to the story regarding these mass shootings than what the media reports on. When 70 shootings occur on any given weekend in Chicago, the media is not out there chanting “Black Lives Matter,” or even giving it any attention at all. That is because those shootings are organic and not scripted. When a mass shooting is heavily covered in the media, it is indicative of it being an orchestrated event by the criminal military and intelligence industrial complex.

“1) Why do the heathen rage, and the peoples meditate emptiness? 2) The sovereigns of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together, against YaHuWaH and against His Messiah, and say, 3) ‘Let us tear apart Their bonds, and throw away Their ropes from us.’ 4) He who is sitting in the heavens laughs, YaHuWaH mocks at them, 5) Then He speaks to them in His wrath, and troubles them in His rage, saying, 6) ‘But I, I have set My Sovereign on Tsiyon, My set-apart mountain.”‘  (Psalm 2:1-6)



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